Just finished Lords of the Fallen. It’s a middling romp and boy is it ever prone to crashing on PC. I had over 20 crashes through the course of the game and 3 of them were during boss battles where the boss was almost dead (aggravating when the average boss battle was taking 10-15 minutes). Weapons feel “weighty” but it’s not necessarily a good thing. The game greatly encourages melee weapons and perhaps most aggravating of all, the last boss is a straight-up DPS check. While every other boss is a test of patience, the last boss is explicitly about recklessly attacking the boss due to the boss healing at certain points in the fight. There’s also no limit to how often the boss will do this and the boss can heal itself all the way back to full health. Another oddity is your spellcasting weapon gaining no benefits from the spellcasting stat, rather aggravating, especially when every other weapon in the game scales strongly with stats. The base damage is decent but it’s also a slow weapon and causes no hit stun. If anyone else is going to play/purchase it, would strongly recommend the Warrior class. Cleric is the middle difficulty and Rogue is the garbage class, mostly because light weapons rarely cause hit stun and despite being fast, their damage is low for the time you need to spend swinging them to compare to strength weapons.

Overall, Lords of the Fallen is rather unique in trying to be like the Souls franchise but doesn’t really provide the same distinctive construction and refinement. Additionally, there are lots of bugs, bad hitboxes and crashes for no reason, so be wary of these issues and save often.