I'm pretty sure the entire Vigicrew collectively geeked out over Christopher Nolan's Inception (as did most of the world it seems). Mr. Nolan at a recent conference spilled the beans that he has been actively thinking about turning Inception into a videogame. Now, I'm pretty sure he's a classy enough director to know that a straight movie-to-game adaptation isn't really going to work. As well, he's said that this game would probably be five years down the road, so I trust that he could make something interesting out of it.

The thing about Inception that really piques my interest as a videogame is that as I was watching it, I was thinking about how great of a videogame it would make. The different layers of the dream world, the action, and the visuals would all certainly fit into what one traditionally thinks of a videogame. More than that, though, the very act of uncovering all of the layers of the dream world, which by its very nature is much more linear in film form, would become (hopefully) even more fleshed out in videogame format. This is the direction that I'm almost certain Nolan would take the videogame – keeping it in the same universe as the film, but making sure to give it the full weight and attention that it deserves. The only thing that will be missing, unfortunately, is that really awesome experience I had at the showing I went to, when at the end, the entire audience literally gasped.

Now, if Nolan wants to turn any of his other films into videogames, hopefully he makes The Prestige. Goddamn that movie rules something fierce.

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